Yì Jīng Blog

Musings on the I Ching, Yin, and Yang

Tag: Chinese Philosophy

  • Understanding I Ching Hexagram 61: Inner Truth

    Introduction to I Ching Hexagram 61 is found in the The I Ching, often called the Book of Changes, is a timeless guide to understanding life’s patterns and transitions. Rooted in ancient Chinese wisdom, it offers profound insights into the nature of change, balance, and interconnectedness. For centuries, scholars, leaders, and seekers of wisdom have…

    Understanding I Ching Hexagram 61: Inner Truth
  • How to Use the I Ching: A Step-by-Step I Ching Guide for Beginners

    Have you ever faced a moment in life when the answers seemed out of reach, and you wished for timeless wisdom to guide you? The I Ching, known as the “Book of Changes,” has been that guiding light for thousands of years. Whether you’re navigating uncertainties, seeking clarity, or exploring life’s deeper questions, this ancient Oracle…

    How to Use the I Ching: A Step-by-Step I Ching Guide for Beginners
  • Understanding Hexagram 33: Ann Sweeney’s Reflections on Retreat

    Hexagram 33, known as “Retreat,” is one of the most profound messages in the I Ching, offering insights on knowing when to step back, realign, and find strength in solitude. Though the concept of retreat may seem counterintuitive, it’s often an essential step toward maintaining personal harmony and direction. For those who’ve received the 33rd…

    Understanding Hexagram 33: Ann Sweeney’s Reflections on Retreat
  • Yin-Yang philosophy: A Modern Exploration of Ancient Balance

    Introduction In an era dominated by extremes, Yin-Yang philosophy provides a refreshing approach to understanding and embracing balance. This ancient Chinese worldview, symbolized by the familiar black-and-white Taijitu (Yin-Yang symbol), serves as a reminder that opposites aren’t merely adversarial forces but rather complementary, interdependent aspects of a dynamic whole. Yin-Yang philosophy transcends any singular cultural…

    Yin-Yang philosophy: A Modern Exploration of Ancient Balance
  • Understanding I Ching Hexagram 11: Tai (Peace)

    The I Ching, or Book of Changes, is one of the most ancient and revered texts in Chinese philosophy, and it offers a system of divination that has been used for thousands of years. One of the 64 hexagrams that make up the I Ching is Hexagram 11, known as Tai or Peace. Tai represents…

    Understanding I Ching Hexagram 11: Tai (Peace)
  • The Origins of Yin Yang and Its Evolution in Eastern Philosophy

    The concept of Yin Yang is a cornerstone of Chinese philosophy, deeply influencing not only Eastern thought but also fields such as medicine, art, and metaphysics. Originating thousands of years ago, these ideas emerged from ancient Chinese cosmology and became integral to traditions like Taoism, Confucianism, and traditional Chinese culture. But what exactly is Yin…

    The Origins of Yin Yang and Its Evolution in Eastern Philosophy